Consulting services

Access to global expertise in credit markets and credit ratings

We work with organisations providing consultancy services on credit ratings, financial learning, loan reviews, research on credit markets and expert witness support.

Because of their unique backgrounds, our global SwissThink team of experts can provide high-level insight and advice on credit rating agencies, their methodologies and the impact of corporate actions on credit ratings.

Our expertise


Insurance Consultancy

Deciding to carry on insurance transactions, such as acquisitions, mergers, disposals or portfolio transfers entails multiple complex considerations. Strategic fit, competitive dynamics, market trends, and prudential and conduct regulations add up to the valuation, risk assessment, capital and funding, asset-liability adequacy and accounting dimensions. Our experts provide opinions on these strategic, financial, regulatory and technical layers of insurance transactions to help executives in their decision making.

Transfer Pricing Services

SwissThink’s team of experts have successfully acted as Expert Witnesses in litigations around the world, and can act for the Issuer or the Tax Authority. Our experts contribute their expertise particularly in assessing the strength of the relationship between Parents and Subsidiaries in the context of arm’s length commercial disputes based on the Group Rating methodologies of S&P Global and Moody’s. We review the documents, research the case, write the report and testify in Court, where required.

Multilateral Development Bank Advisory

Our SwissThink experts help multilateral institutions, their shareholders, and their private-sector partners manage ratings and related variables in their strategic decisions. Our select team combines more than 100 years following MDBs in senior roles at leading rating agencies and in global financial markets.

ESG Risk Analysis

Our ESG and responsible investment training and consulting team equips asset managers, investors, corporates, bond issuers, rating agencies and policy makers with with tools and expertise to define their ESG integration strategy, produce related ESG policies, adapt investment and business process, and develop frameworks and reporting tools. We provide training, consulting and advisory services on key ESG trends, policy definition, process integration, and implementation follow up in all fields related to sustainable investment. (ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance factors).

Sovereign rating advisory

Our SwissThink Sovereign Rating experts help sovereign, subsovereign and state-controlled enterprises manage their crucial relationships with credit rating agencies, multilateral institutions, bilateral creditors and private sector investors. Our select team combines 80 years’ experience in senior roles with the Sovereign Rating teams of S&P, Moody’s and Fitch.